Custom Fields

While default demographic fields exist in PostUp, using custom fields allows you to store, track, and use additional data points for your mailings, exports, and certain reports. When creating custom fields special attention should be paid to the field type as that will determine how the data can be used later on.


Note: Your account settings determine your level of system access. If several of the options and/ or processes outlined in this document are not available, please contact your site administrator.

Default Demographic Fields

PostUp has several demographic fields available to use for adding and storing your recipient data. Before creating custom fields, use the chart below to see if the field already exists as a default.

Field Name Type Character Length
RecipID int -
FirstName nvarchar 255
LastName nvarchar 255
_Address1 nvarchar 100
_Address2 nvarchar 100
_City nvarchar 100
_State nvarchar 100
_PostalCode nvarchar 100
_Country nvarchar 100
_Gender nvarchar 50
_DateOfBirth nvarchar 100
_MaritalStatus nvarchar 100
_HouseHoldSize int 4
_HouseHoldIncome nvarchar 50
_Salutation nvarchar 10
_HomePhone nvarchar 50
_WorkPhone nvarchar 50
_Profession nvarchar 50
_Education nvarchar 50

Creating Custom Fields

If you need an additional field, PostUp allows you to create new custom fields at any point directly within the User Interface. Follow the steps below:

  1. Once logged in, click on the Settings tab.
  2. Click on the Custom Fields link. The Custom Fields page will appear.
  3. You can see all the Active Custom Fields by default. To view the Inactive Custom Fields, in the Search drop-down, select Inactive.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, in the Add New Field section, enter the name of the custom field in the Field Name box. Select the appropriate type from the Field Type dropdown menu. The field type determines the data that can be successfully added to the field, as well as how it can be used later for targeting. For more information on field types see the Custom Field Types section.
  5. Click Save. The custom field is now created. To load data into the field, you will need to either manually update recipients or go through an import.

Note: If your data is being added to PostUp with an API call referencing an import template, you will need to update the appropriate import templates in order for the new field to be included.

Custom Fields Types

Custom fields can be created as a variety of types. The type determines the required format for any data you load into the field. The field type should be considered carefully when creating a new custom field, as once the field is created the field type is set and cannot be changed within the interface.

The available field types are:

Field Type DB Type Usage
Single Character char Any single alphabetic character.
Short Text nvarchar A text string with a maximum of 128 characters.
Medium Text nvarchar A text string with a maximum of 256 characters.
Long Text nvarchar A text string with a maximum of 1024 characters.
Whole Number int A number without decimals.
Decimal Number float A number with or without decimals.
Currency money A number in currency format.
Date Time datetime

A date in one of the following formats:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss

MM.dd.yy HH:mm:ss








0/1 bit '0' or '1'
Y/N char 'Y', 'y', 'N', or 'n'

The field type will also determine how you can use the field for attribute targeting. Only datetime fields will have the option to use targeting such as “in last X days,” and nvarchar fields will not work with “<” or “>” targeting. If you are not sure which field is appropriate, contact your account executive before creating the field.